Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wow, its been a little while since I have shared with you all. Since the last post I have managed to finish a few projects. The afghan is finished and the baby blanket is finished. I really need to get the camera out and take some decent pictures of them (add that to my to do list). Here are a few pictures of the Baby Blanket.

The Finished Product :)

Was quiet pleased with the way it turned out. There are few mistakes in it. A great learning experience!

Enjoyed how the colors came together.


This baby blanket went to my precious neice Riley. I was very excited to receive pictures of her snuggled up in her bed sleeping away with it wrapped around her :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sunny Days

After school the kids decided to have a water gun fight! The weather has been beautiful and what better way to get out and enjoy it.

I had soooo much fun watching and laughing with them! It was hard to take their pictures with out getting wet~ Look at him, he is serious!!

He is the cutest thing!!
Haha! What a beautiful mess. She had such a good time. Playing and laughing and of course shooting mom and Bubs!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Softball/basesball season has kept me so busy I cant seem to finish any projects. Although that doesnt keep me from starting new ones :) My newest projest is a baby blanket. A dear friend of mine sent me some yarn some time ago (longer than I like to admit) and I thought I would crochet her daughter a blanket. I like the way it is coming together so far. Sure wish I would have used a bigger hook, I am still "learning". I think it would work up a little faster and may look a bit better too. Can always try on the next one :)

I also have the ever growing afghan....such a slow progress. I seem to only work on this one as my eyes are begging to close while laying in bed. It's not going to anyone, and will be thrown over the back of the couch when finished, so no hurry.

One of my favorite Blogs to follow is SIBOL. Mrs. Twins does such a wonderful job making blankets for the Ederly with the help of many friends from all over. I love to see how they all come together and what catchy name she will have for them. One of her upcoming blankets has a blue and white theme....I am working on a few squares to send her.

And of course I have the Grannys for no reason squares. Squares I make just because. I usually get bored with a project and make one of these here and there. Also easy to do in the car on long road trips :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Crocheting Along

I have recently started Crocheting and have fallen in love with it. I am very thankful to my dear friend Jessica for teaching me the basics :)
So far I have crocheted two hats, a few squares, and I am working on an afghan. Slow progress, but its coming along.

I have also joined a crochet group called Stitches of Faith. We meet every tuesday night and have cookies and chat about whats going on from week to week. We work on any projects we have going. Its been great for me as I have learned a few new things. Anywho....here are a few pictures of what I have been working on.

This is my first project ever. A cute little hat with ear flaps and a pom pom.

This was my second project. Another hat, but this time with a brim
My first squares to donate. They are going to a lapghan for the Veterens in the Dallas, Texas area.

My very first Afghan!!! Still working on it. Had to go buy more yarn today to keep it going. Im really excited about how its turning out.