Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wow, its been a little while since I have shared with you all. Since the last post I have managed to finish a few projects. The afghan is finished and the baby blanket is finished. I really need to get the camera out and take some decent pictures of them (add that to my to do list). Here are a few pictures of the Baby Blanket.

The Finished Product :)

Was quiet pleased with the way it turned out. There are few mistakes in it. A great learning experience!

Enjoyed how the colors came together.


This baby blanket went to my precious neice Riley. I was very excited to receive pictures of her snuggled up in her bed sleeping away with it wrapped around her :)


  1. Beautiful blanket! I love the soft colors and am sure Riley will love snuggling in this.

  2. She loves it :) Her mother sent me some pictures of her snuggled under it. So cute.
